Kilkenny · Ireland


Together with our part­ner Spot­light, Novem­ber 25th 2019 sees the eighth edi­tion of Ireland’s only film fes­ti­val of pop­u­lar sub­ti­tled Euro­pean films — and a fan­tas­tic lineup of film-​makers and stars cel­e­brated on Sun­day night at the Angela Awards, hosted by Pauline McLynn and the Camem­bert Quartet.

Sub­ti­tle brings together a selec­tion of Euro­pean films that invites you to see cin­ema in a whole new way. Most of the films at the 2019 fes­ti­val have never been screened the­atri­cally in Ire­land and many of them are Irish premieres.

For our 2019 edi­tion, we are pre­sent­ing 25 films. Dra­mas, Thrillers and Come­dies from France, Ger­many, Den­mark, Bel­gium, Fin­land, Spain, Ukraine, Swe­den, Roma­nia and Greece.


Proudly sponsored by

Spotlight, the home of casting