Plov­div · Bulgaria

25 Novem­ber 2023

For 2023, we staged Sub­ti­tle in Plov­div, which is a city about 80 min­utes’ drive from the Bul­gar­ian cap­i­tal, Sofia and is listed as the old­est inhab­ited city in Europe. It was the Euro­pean Cul­ture Cap­i­tal in 2019 and boasts a stun­ning ancient Roman the­atre at its cen­tre, to name just a cou­ple of high­lights. How­ever, it also feels com­pelling to stage the fes­ti­val in Bul­garia, a coun­try where the West inter­sects the East in a whole man­ner of unique ways.


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